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Applications we can build

Applications we can buildWe can offer a full range of software applications that can be tailored to your requirements. We have vast experience in creating solutions that fit your needs. We have developed many new websites and applications using exciting design techniques which have resulted in drastically reduced design cycles, thus reducing cost.We are more than just another software deve...

Case Studies

Case Studies The best way of communicating the benefits and value we deliver is by letting our customers do the talking. Take a look at their stories and feel free to get in touch if any of the issues raised apply to you.   Medical World Case Study Medical World is a major provider of medical and pharmaceutical equipment, supplying everything from disposable, single-use...

Ace Embroidery Logo Manager Case Study

Ace Embroidery Logo Manager Case Study You are here: Case Studies » Ace Embroidery Logo Manager Case Study Ace Embroidery is a well-established firm specialising in embroidering, printing and engraving logos and marketing images onto a wide range of products. They are one of our long-standing customers and the Ace Proof Manager is the subject of an earlier study.  This case looks at a different...

Business Over Breakfast Email Case Study

Business Over Breakfast Email Case Study You are here: Case Studies » Business Over Breakfast Email Case Study Business Over Breakfast is a highly successful business networking organisation, hosting fortnightly breakfast meetings for many thousands of members in nine countries. The email overhead for such a business is huge!  Booking reminders are sent to every member of every club prior to ev...

LM3 Case Study

LM3 Case Study You are here: Case Studies » LM3 Case Study Using a proven and recognised methodology, LM3 enables any organisation, anywhere in the world, to calculate its economic impact on its local economy. Understanding local economic impact improves policy-making and helps to measure corporate social responsibility goals.  LM3 is a vital tool for a wide range of public, private and not-for...

Medical World Case Study

Medical World Case Study You are here: Case Studies » Medical World Case Study Medical World is a major provider of medical and pharmaceutical equipment, supplying everything from disposable, single-use sterile instruments to full-body protective clothing. Order processing is complex!  The business is divided into four divisions – medical, dentistry, podiatrist and veterinary – and the produc...

Get in touch

Get in touch We’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We aim to respond to all enquiries within the hour.


Demonstrations View our extensive range of demonstrations.Charts View how we can embed charts straight into your browserData Grids Shows how we can allow users to edit dataDate Picker View how we can embed a date and time picker into your applicationSlider Shows how we can embed a slider into you applicationTabs Shows how a tab strip can be used within your applicaitionWindows Shows...

Charts - Bar Chart

Charts - Bar Chart You are here: Demonstrations » Charts » Bar Chart Shown below is an example bar chart that shows value changes over time or compares values.

Charts - Line Chart

Charts - Line Chart You are here: Demonstrations » Charts » Line Chart   Shown below is an example line line chart that shows trends in data over regular intervals.

Charts - Pie Chart

Charts - Pie Chart You are here: Demonstrations » Charts » Pie Chart   Shown below is an example pie chart that shows size of items with respect to the total.

Charts - Scatter Chart

Charts - Scatter Chart You are here: Demonstrations » Charts » Scatter Chart Shown below is an example pie chart that shows two dimensional points or lines.


Charts You are here: Demonstrations » Charts All the charts shown use modern browser technologies to render high-quality data visualizations in the browser. Chart graphics are rendered in the browser using SVG, with a fallback to VML for older browsers.

Date and Time Pickers

Date and Time Pickers You are here: Demonstrations » Date and Time Shows how date and time pickers could be embedded into your application.

Data grid example

Data grid example You are here: Demonstrations » Data Grid Customer Database This datagrid shows a list of customers. The datagrid is sortable, pageable and allows grouping of fields.

Consume RSS

Consume RSS You are here: Demonstrations » RSS This demontration pulls live information from Richard Wilde`s technical blog. This information is then reformatted and shown to the user. View live blog


Slider You are here: Demonstrations » Slider Shows how slider controls could be embedded into your application.


Tabs You are here: Demonstrations » Tabs Show below is an example of how tabs can be used inside your web application


Windows You are here: Demonstrations » Windows The example shows how a popup window can be used within your website. The window can be moved, resized or closed.


Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us? Our customers come back to us again and again, confident that we can continue to meet their growing business needs We can help you take advantage of technology opportunities in your business. Our approachable and professional team will take the guesswork out of developing your system. To find out more, check out our case studies and testimonials or - Please ring 07884 433240...

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy This privacy policy sets out how uses and protects any information that you give when you use this website. is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance...

Development Services

Development Services Our software improves your business efficiency. Whether it be packaged solutions to help with your everyday business tasks; products that open up new commercial opportunities; or bespoke developments to streamline your business-critical tasks we –Improve your marketing and operational effectivenessReduce barriers to business growthMake it easier to manage and control your b...


NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED......LANGUAGES The choice of platform to use for our developed solutions always depends on the business needs, requirements, and technical factors. Our products are designed and developed for the Microsoft .NET platform using ASP.NET C# (c-sharp). However, this does not deter us from developing solutions on any other platforms, as frequently we have done. We have...


Testimonials Below are some of the more recent testimonials made by our clients

Website Development Services

Website Development Services Websites are important!  They are at the heart of all promotional activity; they communicate commercial credibility and, for many businesses, they are vital delivery channels. So, the website is a key investment for any business, whatever its size. But, what sort of site is right for you?  How much should you spend?  And how should you get it developed? Answerin...